Разработка на уебсайт на студио за интериорен дизайн
За NH Design Studio:
NH Design Studio е бутиково студио за интериорен дизайн в София. Компанията разработва цялостни интериорни концепции и детайлни проекти за жилищни и търговски пространства. Предлагат пълен обхват услуги – от идейна фаза до реализация с екип от доверени подизпълнители.
NH Design Studio се нуждаеше от представителен и модерен уебсайт, който да покаже творческия им подход и висококачествените реализации. Целта беше да привлече потенциални клиенти и да представи цялостния спектър от предлагани услуги по атрактивен начин. Освен това се изискваше лесен начин за управление на съдържанието.
Разработихме напълно нов уебсайт с професионален и стилен дизайн, оптимизиран за различни устройства. Интегрирахме гъвкава CMS система, която позволява на NH Design Studio лесно да актуализират портфолиото си с нови проекти, услуги и друго съдържание. Изградихме подробни страници, представящи различните етапи на работа, екипа и философията на компанията. Използвахме висококачествени визуализации и снимков материал, за да предадем атмосферата на реализираните интериори.
Новият уебсайт на NH Design Studio впечатлява с модерна визия и лесна употреба. Той успешно представя творческите концепции и profesионализма на екипа пред целевата аудитория. Инсталираната CMS система улеснява актуализирането на съдържанието и управлението на портфолиото. Проектът допринесе за засилване на онлайн присъствието и привличането на нови клиенти за студиото.
Бихме могли да създадем подобен проект за вас, включващ напълно персонализиран уебсайт с интегрирана CMS система за ефективно представяне на бизнеса ви онлайн.
Цена на продажба от 1,50$ и увеличение от над 300% от продажбите
BabyLand е онлайн магазин за бебешки и детски продукти – от стоки за хранене и облекло до играчки, мебели и аксесоари. Компанията се стреми да предлага качествени и безопасни артикули на достъпни цени.
BabyLand искаше да повиши онлайн продажбите си и популярността на своя онлайн магазин. Целта беше да достигнат до повече потенциални клиенти и да представят своите продукти по атрактивен начин.
Нашата роля:
Поехме пълната реализация на рекламна кампания във Facebook и Instagram. Ангажирахме се с дизайн на визуални материали, създаване на ефективни реклами, таргетиране на подходящите аудитории и оптимизиране на рекламите за максимален обхват и резултати.
Част от кампанията
Проходилката, която спечели сърцата
Избрахме да представим една от хит продажбите на BabyLand – детската музикална проходилка с модерен и компактен дизайн. Създадохме специален видео Reel материал, който демонстрира предимствата на продукта по забавен и запомнящ се начин.
Паралелно разработихме няколко реклами във формат “Карусел”, които ни позволиха да представим всички продукти от промоционалната кампания, с които успяхме да постигнем забележителни резултати.
Резултати: Реклами с висока ефективност
- CTR във Facebook: 5.24%
- Общ обхват: над 43,000 потенциални клиенти
Значително нарастване на поръчките
- Средна цена на продажба: $1.50
- Увеличение на продажбите с над 300%
Кампанията успя да изгради засилено присъствие на BabyLand в онлайн пространството и да популяризира продуктовата им гама измежду многобройната целева аудитория на родители и бъдещи родители. Креативните визуални материали и оптимизираното представяне доведоха до повишен ангажимент и конверсии.
Ако се нуждаете от цялостно планиране и изпълнение на рекламна кампания в социалните мрежи, нашият екип може да създаде ефективни визуални материали и оптимизирани реклами за най-добро представяне на вашите продукти и услуги.
Agency Optimization
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
How We Work
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
Optimization Statistics
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart. together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions.
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
We Will Be Useful to You
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
Online Management
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
How We Work
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
Optimization Statistics
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart. together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions.
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
We Will Be Useful to You
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
Man enjoying the wind
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
How We Work
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
Optimization Statistics
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart. together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions.
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
We Will Be Useful to You
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
Photo session with a girl
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
How We Work
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
Optimization Statistics
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart. together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions.
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
We Will Be Useful to You
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
Urban girls between bars of colored light
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
How We Work
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
Optimization Statistics
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart. together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions.
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
We Will Be Useful to You
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
Playing with a yellow smoke bomb
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
How We Work
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
Optimization Statistics
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart. together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions.
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
We Will Be Useful to You
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
Watching Mobile Phone
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
How We Work
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
Optimization Statistics
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart. together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions.
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
We Will Be Useful to You
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
Satisfied Hipster Girl
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
How We Work
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart.
Optimization Statistics
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. A holistic, user-centric perspective is what truly sets one apart. together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions.
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
We Will Be Useful to You
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time.
Digital technology has made our world more transparent and interconnected, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!
From the designers and engineers who are creating the next generation of web and mobile experiences, to anyone putting a website together for the first time. We provide elegant solutions that set new standards for online publishing.
As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!